Payments & Transactions

Accessible and Fast Payments

Secured & Easy Payments

Payment processing is the soul of all financial service providers and merchants. Ensuring the security of client data is pivotal to the integrity of internal bank network payments, ACH transfers, check clearing, mobile payments, and credit card transactions. Regardless of the processing method, payments and transfers must be processed securely and quickly—especially when transactions are of high monetary value.

Fortunately organizations can address these critical use cases with Utimaco Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), trusted transaction and payment security solutions are used to protect many vendors so they do not find themselves stuck with inflexible technology and limited customization options, including legacy systems with outdated API functions.

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Utimaco PaymentServer is a Payment Card Industry (PCI) and PIN Transaction Security (PTS) HSM are designed to support the needs of payment processing environments for credit, debit, e-purse and chip cards(like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, UnionPay, including card personalization), internet payment applications, web-based personal identification number (PIN) delivery, and more.

The Utimaco Software Development Kit (SDK) allows for self-customization of the PaymentServer by your team to handle proprietary and secret algorithms.

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Atalla AT1000
Atalla AT1000

The Utimaco Atalla HSM is a NextGen PCI PTS HSM v3.0 and FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified payments HSM designed to protect customer sensitive data, perform cardholder authentication, and manage the cryptographic keys used in eCommerce retail payment transactions. The AT100 is fully backward compatible.


Utimaco PaymentServer is a PCI PTS HSM v3.0 and FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified payments Hardware Security Module designed for card personalization and OEM opportunities. An HSM’s function is to protect and manage digital keys for strong authentication.